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Star Lake

Herbaceous Plants

(Wildflowers, forbs, herbs, grasses, etc.)

Introduction (Under construction, more coming.)

Herbaceous, or non-woody, plants are a diverse group. Most of what we call "wildflowers" fall into this group. Below are some of the common herbaceous plants found around Star Lake and the south Whiteshell.

When you click on an image or the plant name a larger image pops up in a new window. Use the back button on your browser or phone to return to this list. If you're on your phone turn it sideways for best viewing.

Assorted (various families)


Common Mullein

Pale Corydalis

Pale Commandra


Bristly Sarsaparilla

Wild Sarsaparilla

Round-leaved Sundew

Fringed Gentian

Green Gentian

Spreading Dogbane

Dwarf Milkweed

More Coming Soon

Anemones (Ranunculaceae)

Marsh Marigold

Wood Anemone

Tall Buttercup

Wild Columbine

Prairie Crocus

White Baneberry

Composites (Asteraceae, aster family)


Pearly Everlasting


Plains Wormwood

Canada Thistle

Joe Pye Weed

Oxeye Daisy

Orange Hawkweed

Beautiful Sunflower

Nodding Beggarticks


Black-eyed Susan


Canada Hawkweed



There are several species of Goldenrods in this area and some are hard to tell apart.
Below are the Goldenrods identified so far. More to come.

Canada Goldenrod

Giant Goldenrod

Flat-topped Goldenrod

Low Goldenrod

Marsh Goldenrod




Irises (Iridaceae)

Blue Flag Iris

Blue-eyed Grass

More Coming Soon


Legumes (Fabaceae, pea family)

Pale Vetchling

Wild Peavine

Bird's-foot Trefoil

White Sweet Clover

American Vetch

Lilies (Liliaceae)

Pink-flowered Onion

Bluebead Lily

Prairie Lily

Wild Lily-of-the-valley

Rose Twisted-stalk


Mints (Labiatae)

Giant Hyssop

Ground Ivy

More Coming Soon


Orchids (Orchidaceae)

Spotted Coralroot

Early Coralroot

Pink Lady's Slipper

Yellow Lady's Slipper

Showy Lady's Slipper

Checkered Rattlesnake Orchid

Slender Lady's Tresses


Rose Family (Rosacea)

Wild Strawberry

Tall Cinquefoil

Three-toothed Cinquefoil


Violets (Violaceae)

Early Blue Violet

Small White Violet

Downy Yellow Violet

Long-spurred Violet

Marsh Blue Violet

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