Star Lake Cottager's Website
(Last update, July 1, 2024)
July 2024 Update
Summer is here, the new beach docks are in place, the rain has stopped (slowed?) for a while, let's have summer at Star Lake!
Family Fun Day is slated for August 3.
Enjoy the summer! (Just bring bug spray!)
Welcome to the Star Lake Cottager's Website
Hi, I'm Doug Collicutt. I've been a "Star Laker" most of my life and a cottage owner since 1992. is my personal website about nature in Manitoba. In the wake of Parks' CLISS proposal (see below) I decided to start up a Star Lake website to be a permanent archive of all things "Star Lake".
Star Lake Cottagers FaceBook Page is a great resource for updates, too! This site let folks post and discuss events and issues in a day-to-day manner, and I encourage you to take advantage of it.
This site, however, will be a permanent home for basic information about Star Lake and our region of Whiteshell Provincial Park, and a clearinghouse for information regarding current events and issues that affect us all.
Manitoba Parks' "Commercial Light Industry Storage Sites" proposal (rejected by Star Lake cottagers!) made it clear that we need a permanent online presence to learn about, discuss and rally support if needed, regarding proposed development and management issues around Star Lake. We need to stand on guard for our piece of Whiteshell Provincial Park!
(CLISS information is archived at this link.)
ALWAYS REMEMBER, WE OWN THE PARK! Provincial Parks belong to all Manitobans. We hold elections to decide which people will work for us to maintain and advance our society. We trust our elected representatives to set up and maintain a branch of government to steward our parks. The staff of Parks Branch are there to serve us. They are our trusted stewards, managers and custodians, but park users are the park owners. And it's incumbent on us all to stay informed concerning the management of our parks. We should do what we can to work with Parks' staff, but we should never be reluctant to question them regarding any issue and to demand answers to our questions and concerns. And we deserve the courtesy of being consulted regarding all matters that effect us. That's what this website is about, sharing information, so we can all work to maintain and improve our parks. (Just my personal philosophy on democracy as it applies to parks. Doug C.)
Your Input
I certainly don't claim to know everything about Star Lake and all the issues that we face. I'm trying to track down all pertinent information and will post things as I find them. But I want and need your help. If you have information you think should be available here, please send it along. (There will be email links for submissions on the Information and Events/Issues pages.)
Follow these links for:
Contact Group - Stay Connected!
A partial list of cottagers' email addresses was gathered during the CLISS issue and was used effectively to help lobby against that proposal. A complete list of email addresses would ensure that everyone could be contacted quickly regarding any important issue or event (good or bad).
I know there is concern about having email addresses out on the internet, so I'm proposing that a master list be kept by me and a couple of others cottagers. Folks could use the email links on this site to contact me and the others who would then relay information to the entire group. I hope folks are comfortable with that, but I'd welcome any suggestions.
(NOTE: Emails will be sent out only for significant updates to the website, special event notices or information on important issues. I don't like spam either!)
If you're not already on the list, please join and encourage others to join as well. Use the email links below:
Join the Contact Group | Get a message to the Contact Group
All email notices will be sent out as a Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc) to the entire group.
If you are on the current list and wish to be removed from it and not receive email updates, please let me know and your email will be removed. You can always visit the website to stay up to date with information, events and issues.
The annoying ad below just lets me keep track of how much traffic this page receives.
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